Saturday, April 30, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 8:23 PM [comment]
leaving skool guoyandao at 7:36 AM [comment]
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 1:26 PM [comment]
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 7:52 AM [comment]
第二款日本政府允准,所有属于任天堂(Nintendo)、世嘉(Sega)、索尼次世代(playstation & playstation2)、科纳米(Konami)及史客维尔(Enix-Squaresoft)等公司的销售网点及经营范围,全部限于日本本国内。以上公司的国外分部,由中国政府全权收管。
leaving skool guoyandao at 12:41 AM [comment]
leaving skool guoyandao at 12:28 AM [comment]
Monday, April 25, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 3:06 PM [comment]
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Watched Interpreter, it was really a great movie. Great cast, great plot. Successful production I guess. For the first time in my life, I feel that Nicole Kidman is very very beautiful, and I would fall in love with her character in the film, an independent woman who lives her dreams but at the same time remains a lovely girl inside. Also for the first time, I find a woman in business outfit attractive.
Sean Penn put up a convincing performance again. He played a man who's cool, smart but at the same time vulnerable at the loss of the dearest thing in life. I guess it's very cool to be a man like that. The moment he plugged out the music station's power supply and plugged it in again to play his favourite music, it was very cool. He didn't care about the whole bar, he didn't care about the world outside at that moment. And that's very cool.
leaving skool guoyandao at 10:12 PM [comment]
Saturday, April 23, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 12:06 PM [comment]
leaving skool guoyandao at 11:27 AM [comment]
今天我的Media Player居然放出了一首the Cure的很accoustic的歌,叫做out of this world。好听的很令人惊喜。Robert Smith的声音跟他在lullaby里面的一样感性令人沉醉。我喜欢他这个变态偶尔温暖的感觉。他不停的吟唱着:"always have to go back to real life"。是的,我们总要面对最真实的生活。踏踏实实的生活吧,孩子们。
看到Kurt Kobain对pearl jam的评价,说他们是披着grunge外衣的商业音乐。这点让我很生气,Kurt Kobain是我最喜欢的摇滚艺人,但是这孩子老是看不起别人乱骂人,这点不好,pearl jam的音乐才华没有Nirvana那么惊世骇俗,但是还是非常非常高深的,不然他们就写不出Black和yellow ledbetter这么经典大气的歌来。我是很喜欢Pearl Jam的,什么时候来费城啊。我倾家荡产去看他们。
买了一瓶polo blue的古龙水。在一帮超级metrosexual的新加坡人指点下。从此成为一个俗人。
leaving skool guoyandao at 9:02 AM [comment]
Friday, April 22, 2005
闲来无事 (六)
麦琪姑娘对此缺乏准备,愣在那半天,若有所思地缓不过气来。我连忙机灵地傻笑说开玩笑的开玩笑的。其实我说的是,kidding kidding 外加若干个尴尬的哈哈哈哈。说到这里有一点需要补充一下,我们到现在为止所有的对话都是用英语进行的。虽然我写得好像我们在讲中文一样。其实不是,比如当麦琪姑娘要我蹲下的时候她说的不是“你二啊你,还不快蹲下”,而是“squat down“, dick.当然她也可能没有用dick这个词,这个词在英语里面是很坏的,麦琪姑娘可不是什么坏人。因此很有可能这只是我自己一厢情愿的记忆罢了。
我还以为接下来她要佯嗔骂我色狼了,很多人不知道,色狼这个词在英语里面可不是color wolf,色狼应该是horny guy或者pervert。但是麦琪姑娘没骂我horny也没骂我pervert。她沉吟了一下说那好去我屋吧,你们男生的房间我又不是没去过,那是人住的地方吗?我说哦。好吧。
沉默了半晌。她说,那好我要去吃饭了,很高兴认识你,你叫什么名字啊?我说郭二,你就叫我郭吧,别叫我二。美国人叫中国人名字都只叫一半,而且一般是first name,就是第一名,我的第一名是二,我刚到美国的时候想都没想,就跟人自我介绍说我叫二。结果我跟我妈视频聊天我妈说美国人怎么老骂你啊?我说没有啊妈。我妈说那我听见人家老管你叫二。我说二怎么了。我妈说儿啊你不知道吗北京话里面二就是傻的意思啊。我说我真不知道妈你不是宁波人吗你怎么北京话说得比儿子还溜。
麦琪姑娘说那好吧,很高兴认识你郭,我叫麦琪。我说那我叫你麦吧。她说什么?我说never mind。 我意识到美国人认识不到这其中的幽默。我的意思是说我可以跟我的中国朋友这么介绍她,这位姑娘姓麦,叫麦琪。Ms. Mai.
leaving skool guoyandao at 1:27 PM [comment]
leaving skool guoyandao at 1:17 PM [comment]
I screwed up my French Listening, big times. Gone is my hope of getting an A for French, also gone is my hope of getting a 4.0 GPA semester, for who the hell knows, this might be my last chance of a 4.0 GPA semester. Looking back, I was being over-confident, or rather over-pessimistic. I pretty much screwed it up myself and there's no one to blame. I was just a little surprised, coz usually for the very last struggle, I'd do my best and do very well, I'm too lost these days to understand why.
Yesterday someone criticized me for being too vulgar. She gave me a preach on how my cursing has reflected a very bad image of me. Usually I hate preaching, it's the one item that I forgot to put under 'I hate' column to the right. But this time, I was being very polite for thanking her to point it out. So either I'm more fake a person now, or I did fucking grow up a little. Still, I think a person that doesn't enjoy cursing when it's necessary leads a boring life. And I hope you all agree.
Quote of the day:
Random girl: F u!!!
Me: Right now? Okay, my place?
leaving skool guoyandao at 10:58 AM [comment]
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Alright man, I guess growing up is a long process and sometimes, man it's not that fun. But I'll keep growing stronger and be a better man. Watched video of myself and I seemed like an idiotic clown, maybe that's how I always am in others' eyes. Somehow I started to feel that this is it man, you gotta stop foolin' around and grow up. Grow up and be a man.
leaving skool guoyandao at 1:13 PM [comment]
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Well sometimes I just wanna be crazy be hysterical don't care about anything in the world(one year in Singapore my desktop was "I don't care about anything") do whatever i want in spite of the whole world's opposition fuck whoever who points his fingers at me fuck you you losers i gotta do everything my own way who the fuck are you I don't give a fucking damn if you're Chairman Mao or Hitler.
But I just can't, I've lost all my feelings, why am I so cool? I don't wanna be so cool.
leaving skool guoyandao at 6:42 AM [comment]
Monday, April 18, 2005
在餐厅的KTV大赛上听到Mariah Carey的hero,想起这首歌曾经是我的精神支柱,有点恍如隔世。每个人每个阶段都有一首紧扣心境的歌代表那段人生,对我来说,这样的歌曾经有:(按时间顺序)刘德华的长夜,万芳的四季,老狼的一封情书,某某的because I love you, 张国荣的不想拥抱我的人,黄耀明的一千年的爱,刘以达的晚节不保,Soul Asylum 的 runaway train, Paul Simon的Scarborough Fair, Goo Goo Dolls的iris, Bread的if, 孙燕姿的天黑黑,Jeff Buckley的hullelujah, Red House Painters的Have you forgotten how to love yourself, Don McLean的vincent,Tom Waits的jersey girl, 以及最近的Gary Jules的 Mad World. 有时候想起这些我生命里的歌,轻轻地哼起,就仿佛看到了当年的天空的颜色,闻到了当年风的味道,想起了我曾经那么喜欢却毫不了解的女孩子的笑靥如花。偶尔会眼眶湿润,但这是很温暖的事。
生命中人人也都有最钟爱的诗句,我也跟大家一样,都喜欢过“黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛,我却用它来寻找光明“和“面向大海,春暖花开”。但我心里也有真正触动过我的诗句,比如”满天风雨下西楼“,比如叶芝的when you grow old。
leaving skool guoyandao at 5:42 PM [comment]
I always had wonderful experiences with STA. Today it was a Thai girl called Winnita who served me. And jesus christ she's really cute, sweet and professional at the same time. The idea of asking her out crossed my mind for like 2 seconds. AND THEN FADED AWAY. But these people are really sweet and cool, I've already fallen in love with STA. Everyone should go to STA to book your tickets, and talk to Rick and Winnita.
I thought something's gonna hit me today, but it didn't. I guess, yeah there's no rush. We are all adults and we should have no problem controlling emotions.
Monday is the pass-out day.
Last but not least, I'll get back to Xian2 Lai2 Wu2 Shi4 on Friday, sorry to keep you guys waiting. I've absolutely no clue what I'm gonna write either.
I'm going to Europe and this is gonna be fucking awesome.
leaving skool guoyandao at 12:59 PM [comment]
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Yeah so tonight was actually better than the sonic youth night. Well maybe not, fuck it I don't really know.
Went to Wok, it's a pretty good restaurant, definitely beats Bei Jing, but I still din't really love the food coz it's not spicy or heavily-tasty enough.
Then I went to see the lifehouse, Gao wen's friend once said that they're a band for 13 year old girls. I think she made sense. While the songs in No Name Face were great and truly post-grunge, their later songs are just more like high school pop boy bands. And their live was not as good as their CDs, or sonic youth. I think the solo guitar's sound was alwyas a little awkward and din't blend into the entire set. But well, still, it was a good time.
And for you who would be reading this, I miss your jokes. And we'll see what happens after the summer=)
leaving skool guoyandao at 10:54 PM [comment]
Fling '05 Log:
6pm - Bought first pack of beers in my life. And it was Miller Light. Recommended by Ding Yu. Later he scolded me and said it's too little. But the beer store is mother far away. Stored in Jerry's fridge.
10pm - KA party. Fucking awesome. Kenn Kweder was a muthafucka. He spoke tons of vulgarities and kept flirting with the girls although he's already 60 years old. The Party was really really great, as attested by many who attended. The only thing was that it was a school-registered party so there were people around stopping us from drinking too much or drinking hard liquer. The bar was closed at like 1230. Bleh. I brought the four Chinese friends in for the first time but they had no beer. Sun Boyuan was still very happy though bcoz he got to dance with two attractive ladies. And shirley...shirley...what a big surprise haha.
9am - Woke up. Had to walk Kelvin to the M&T day. He's a very nice kid. Brilliant, got into both MIT and M&T. Sporty but not jorky. Cool guy. Had to thank him for helping me regain some sort of confidence in terms of communication. Studied for French Oral last-minute.
1045am - French oral, screwed up. Big times(bcoz someone likes this). Almost crushed my confidence of getting an A for French. Oh well, I probably deserve it. But I'm very sad. This is the worst way to start flinging.
11am - Screwed up again. Big times. I failed my mission of helping fundraising for a House charity event which shouldn't be hard at all. The costly lesson learnt: don't do things last minute.
3pm - Tax advising. The old tax advisor was so nice he warmed my heart. Met Yang Meng, she's so skinny now. But she's fun to talk with.
545pm - first fling experience, first live act, sputnicks down. Actually forgot how their music was like.
6pm - Dinner at Beijing.
7pm - Fling Concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Amazing, best night ever.
12pm - came home and my room was having a big party. I drank with myself n talked to Danny.
Saturday -
10am - Woke up, talked with Wen.
1230pm - quick brunch in 10 minutes coz i din wanna miss the freaks of the beat show.
1245pm - Missed the freaks of the beat show.
1pm - from then on took pictures with tons of pretty girls haha.
130pm - Pregamed in Jerry's room
140pm - Alex nackman, accoustic, people din like it, another problem with penn students' taste.
2pm - Played carnival games with Jerry and Willy, good times.
230pm - This drexel emo band. I din like it but jerry did. But i still rocked with the music
3pm - Liam and Me. They're like the bravery, a little like the Strokes, and they're a white preppy band from West Philadelphia!!!! I loved their music and took pictures with each of them.
4pm - Singaporean BBQ, met a couple of cute girls.
5pm - Went on stage, Mask and Wig's show, it was unbelievable. 2000 drunk and crazy audience in front of us. Next year I'll be singing. I will.
7pm - Mask and Wig BBQ
8pm - Big surprise. Wen and Danny came down to the bowling alley again. If i weren't drunk at the time I probably wouldn't go since they were hanging out with their homeys. well.....fuck it, actually I'd still go.
12pm - got a call from Qiuwei, she's like so drunk when i saw her, we played beirut and I walked her to her room. Had a nice conversation with her.
This is my fling. but it's not over yet. not yet.
leaving skool guoyandao at 8:47 AM [comment]
Friday, April 15, 2005
Alright most of you will have no idea what I'm gonna talk about, but I just spent the best night of my life.
The sonic youth fling concert was a big disappointment for SPEC, because only about 200 people showed up, but was a miracle for me, I knew the concert would be amazing, but I din't expect it to be this good.
The concert kicked off with Cat Power, who's surprisingly stunning and shy. She didn't even speak or talk to us on stage, she just kept playing from song to song without pauses. She switched from guitar to piano in the middle, still never looking at us. Her music is kinda not really fit for such a drunken college crowd waiting to rock out. It's perfect for a dark melancolic bar where you broke up with your first girlfriend, of course that's kinda bullshit, bcoz i don't even know how it feels to break up with a girlfriend. But seriously, her "sadcore dark folk" music is so graceful, sad, introspective, amazingly delicate that you need to sit down in a corner and really sink into the music heart and soul. People were kinda disappointed by her introverted style on stage and were making fun of her. I was like, what the fuck man all you tasteless fuckers.
Then citizen cope came up. He plays really fun music, it's like a mix of reggae, rock and electric. The most interesting thing is the electric keyboard sound that in my memory only appears in death metal, but the effect was pretty good actually. It didn't really have chemical reactions on me until the last song which had a Sting feel and goes like...fuck, I forgot how it goes like. I'd say the only thing left was physical excitement because of the catchy melody, beautiful keyboard loops, exciting riffs and powerful bass. But it didn't touch my soul.
Sonic Youth did. I came to appreciate how post-punk and indie rock can be so mesmerizing. Those gorgeous guitar arrangements and sound fields were simply amazing. Plus the drummer is really good too so you can rock to the music. It is redundant to say how sophisticated, experimental, gorgeous and fascinating their music is. The big surprise is how good their live act is. Man I haven't been to many rock concerts but i had to say it's hard for any other band to top what Sonic Youth has to offer on stage. One little act they always do is like, at the end of a really exciting song, everyone will let down their guitar, pose it in different weird positions and just let the sound field go on, and I had to admit that it was fucking amazing. Jim o'Rourke i guess, the only guitar player that doesn't sing, once used some random object like a drumstick to play his guitar. Lee Ronaldo was an awesome vocal and did his magic with guitar really well. Kim Gordon was one cool, cool woman who was cute when she said on stage "I think a mosquito just bit me". But the most amazing, incredible, unbelievable guy is her husband, Thurston Moore, he was like a big kid on the stage, bouncing around and doing all the "the who" genuine rock and roll moves, and he did all sorts of riduculous things on the caressing the guitar, jumping around, licking the guitar, doing random crazy solos, in the final scene he went totally crazy, he first flinged the guitar on the ground, on his back, then rubbing it against the speakers, amps, came off the stage to induce the audience into caressing the guitar with him, finally climbed up the side stage(nobody knew how he did it) and stuck the guitar right through the steel post of the stage. I mean, that's beyond music, but doesn't everyone just want to see a rock and roll star like that?
I love them, every artist tonight, I'm really grateful that they gave me such a beautiful night.
Then, I did something which I should give myself credits for. I sneaked into the back stage, it was actually very easy coz nobody actually cared about me and I spotted the drummer of Sonic Youth, Steve Shelley was flirting with Cat Power. So I went up, politely interrupted them and requested to take a picture with'em. It was then when I realized how beautiful Cat Power really is. Too bad dear Ashley didn't work it out coz my battery was dying. Damn!!!!!I want my photo with Cat Power!!!!!!!she's so gorgeous!!!!!!!!I talked to her as well, and she's really really nice and vulnerable. I guess Steve Shelley was trying to encourage her to go on and tell her to go to him anytime she needs help. This bastard, I guess he just wanted to hit on her haha. They talked to me about potential tours in China, turned out that Cat Power only went to Taiwan. And she was telling me how much she liked the budda vegetarian meals in Taiwan. She is just so sweet and vulnerable!!!!!!!!!!I'm obsessed with Cat Power now.
This is getting politically wrong, and for those of you who think I'm probably drunk now, you're wrong.
So I almost managed to take a photo with Cat Power and Steve Shelley(it's just Cat Power, nobody gives a damn to Steve Shelley anyway haha). Two kids from Temple who I met were nice enough to wait for the rest of Sonic Youths to come out. And they all did. The only picture my dying camera caught was the one with Thurston Moore, he was..oh well...not as fun as he is on stage, many people are lik that I guess. But anyway when I tried to take photos with Kim Gordon and Lee Ronalhdo the battery totallly died. Shit man!!!!!But the one I cared the most, is the Cat Power one!!!!!!!Damn!!!!!!!!!!I love her!!!!!!!!!When am I gonna see her again?
Then when I came home. My home was turned into a big party. Oh my god
leaving skool guoyandao at 9:33 PM [comment]
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Two Posts about Music
Went to STA today to get my ISIC card and met this cool dude called Rick. He got a self-intro kind of card in fron' of him that said: the most interesting place he slept - sidewalk in NYC for Radiohead concert; the most interesting person he's met - Moby; if there's an eighth continent i will name it - Bjorkland. I'm not the kind of person that initiates a conversation in this kinda situation, but this time I was surprised how I just started talking to him. We talked about Sonic Youth, China rock bands. It was such a fun conversation. In the end I realized that after all I do have some passion in this world, and that passion is music.
A philadelphia local label - Koherent - came down to Wynn Commons to give out a free concert. I went, and the music was super good. The beats were awesome, the loop was fun, the lyrics were as good as mine(well almost), but I was surprised to see the pathetic turnout. There were more artists and student coordinators than the audience. I couldn't understand it. I thought everybody on this campus loves hip-hop. Is it true that they only love hip-hop at the parties with booty and booze around? Why can't we just simply enjoy some good music? I hate people who don't genuinely love music. 叶公好龙。 fuck.
leaving skool guoyandao at 9:51 PM [comment]
Sunday, April 10, 2005
It wasn't long ago when I started thinking about being a greater man.
At the KA meeting tonight, Josh brought up the issue of Sudan genocide. And although as usual I didn't understand half of the issue they discussed, I figured we were talking about how our feelings for Sudan genocide relates to ourselves. Well my mind trailed off, and I thought about when I never thought about doing anything about the Sudan Genocide.
Actually, I never thought about how I can impact the society, make a difference in the community and help the less fortunate and issues like that. I used to think they were empty and more like political propaganda. But deep inside I know they are not. And it actually takes a very noble heart to devote himself to things like that. And I know all the time that it isn't that hard either, I see people around me devoting their time and efforts to community service and petition to help alleviate the Sudan Genocide. And I respect these people. The thought of being one of them just never crossed my mind.
Maybe I'm just not a noble man. I have friends like Zhang Hao, who has such noble hobbies and is so knowledgeable in so many fields that he's always making an impact on his surroundings(and a huge impact on my life). There's Yang Bo who's had such a passion on science he hopes to better the world with his science research.
Comparing myself with them, I feel like I'm nothing. I have sympathy and compassion, but I don't have noble goals. I might have random noble ideas that crossed my mind every now and then, but I just never take solid actions.
So I'm not a noble man, but maybe I can try to be a greater man. It sure takes a lot to be a great man.
leaving skool guoyandao at 6:20 PM [comment]
Cherry Blossom Festival.
Peter Ran is a fucking genius. We all love Peter Ran, without him this could not have happened.
I spent a beautiful beautiful day at Washington yesterday with Peter Ran and friends from Bryn Mawr, old friends(well not too old actually) 唐丹尼 and 高雯,new friend 王莹子, alright now that I mention the name, it actually reminds me of some women in the 玄真教, which is funny you understand Chinese and read 金庸。
And why was it so beautiful you ask? Because it was cherry blossom festival in Washington yesterday!!!The cherry flowers were so pretty they were drop-dead gorgeous. We took millions of photographs, some nice, some sweet, some ridiculous, some obscene.












or see the entire album...
But, actually you know what, the link is wrong, screwed up, doesn't work. It's only for me I guess so I'm an idiot/loser. If you want to see the whole album, email me and I'll email you back with an invitation. But I'm not telling you what my email is hahahaha. And I'm not taking the link down. Cuz I'm cool like that.
Basically all the wacky and obscene photo ideas are from the girls, and all the good and original ideas are.....well from the girls as well, Danny basically. Why is Danny so pretty and so smart at the same time? It's so unfair to an ugly and dumb loser like me. But Peter and I got some really nice postures and cool facial expressions. We walked around the cherry flower lake(there's definitely a latin or greek name for it but I forgot for christ' sake). Everything was peaceful until wen stepped on a huge dog's tail. Then we sat on the porch of Jefferson Memorial waiting for a missing child for an hour. Watching some hot ladies dancing and being sentimental. I almost let out a fucking big secret which had wen pestering me for the rest of the day. Aftter that, we went onto the white house, on the way to which someone asked me to "hook her up with some marijuana". The white house is so freaking beyond reach so I took some 俗气 photos like a fucking tourist. After some 'filling' hot dogs, the missing child n I decided to exploer the Lincoln Memorial while the three other losers decided to slack. Lincoln Memorial, relection pool, the ducks in the reflection pool and some random place with stone pillars representing the two big oceans and all the US states and pretty fountains were all super cool. It's a loss of those three losers hahahaha.
And then we all went crazy. On the way to the "best restaurant in Washington" - Hawk and Dove - recommended by dear Andrew Hill. We took a picture with every tree we passed by. Gao Wen kept complaining about how 'her face hurts so bad'. Danny and wen started playing dumb games like shadows stepping and scissors paper stone. We took another mocking photo in front a random statue in front of the Capitol Dome and I molested the statue. And then, finally!!! We got to the best restaurant in Washington, where I screwed myself up big times.(details too mentally disturbing to reveal) Haha. And the girls didn't seem to agree that it's the "best restaurant in Washington". So I ended up eating their cajun pork loin.
On the way back the two girls passed out, and peter, danny and I were engaged in a very intelletual conversation. About relationship and stuff.
The sunshine was beautiful. The cherry trees were beautiful. The girls from Bryn Mawr were and will be beautiful. So in conclusion, it was a beautiful day!!!!!!!!
leaving skool guoyandao at 10:56 AM [comment]
Friday, April 08, 2005
About Party.
Drink. Drink again. Drink once more. Drink until you get wasted. Flirt. Flirt with random and non-random girls. Dance with them. Get all over them. Take advantage of them. Get fucked. Get even more fucked. Get rowdy. Be one of the crazy asses roaming on the street at 2am on campus.
This is not the life I wanna lead. But this is American college life dude.
This is not the life I wanna lead. I wanna have a girlfriend who likes me, enjoyes my jokes and tolerates my bad habits. I wanna stick with her, watch movies with her, go to dinners with her, buy a Levi's pair of jeans with her, go to freshgrocer with her, study like fucking nerds at the library with her, walk with her holding hands, talk with her, worry about the future with her, save every penny possible with her, cry with her, love with her, spend the rest of my life with her. And I'm never gonna hit on any other sexy girl at any party. That's the life I wanna lead.
So I stood in the corner, sipping some rum and coke, watching the girls and boys dancing, touching each other, happily drunk faces, about-to-throw-up faces, and I feel sad, not because I couldn't fit in with the big party scene, but because I'm at parties seeing all these ridiculous things happening. I am still alone, still a creep, still a loser.
Oh God, this is not the life I wanna lead. I don't wanna lead a party life.
leaving skool guoyandao at 10:38 PM [comment]
leaving skool guoyandao at 11:52 AM [comment]
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 2:23 PM [comment]
Alright so I was wrong. It is not my spring. It's the girls' spring. You know what I mean when you see them walking on locust walks with the beautiful skirts that they've been waiting to flaunt since last fall. Every girl is beautiful.
Stephan Chow's Kung Fu is going to take over the American cinemas!!!I've no doubt about that, I'm surprised by the nice response my friends told me about Shaolin Soccer, i thought it sucked big times. His best movies are 唐伯虎点秋香,食神 and 大话西游,these are the Stephan Chow classic, Kung Fu is a really good movie that I enjoyed immensely, but it's still different from 唐伯虎点秋香, that was like the best laugh I've ever had watching a movie. Anyway, kung fu shows that he's right back on track. I hated Shaolin soccer so much I have to stress it here again. I think in Shaolin soccer he lost all his sense of humour. Now the American ppl can see how much funnier the Chinese comedians can be. For that, I salute Stephan Chow, coz that's something I haven't been able to do.
Chelsea vs. Bayern Munich, Frank Lampard scored the most amazing goal in the past decade.
And last night, for the first time of my life, I finished a big project two days before the deadline, of course without knowing that the deadline is actually two days later. This is a big feat that I'll never achieve again.
For all of those who haven't listened to Beck's Odelay, GO BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!THIS IS AS GOOD AS OK COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!I heard his new album guerre is as good as Odelay, feel like buying it.
Going to Sonic Youth, countdown 9 days. Something better, countdown 11 days.
I've never talked so much bullshit online. Jesus Christ. The cherry blossom turns everyone into a little hyper talkative goblin.
leaving skool guoyandao at 2:03 PM [comment]
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 11:57 PM [comment]
Still can't study. Can't study still. Can't still study. So I'm killing time and writing another poem nobody would probably read.
leaving skool guoyandao at 5:10 PM [comment]
Monday, April 04, 2005
can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study can't study
leaving skool guoyandao at 9:59 PM [comment]
Still can't study. I'm going crazy.
leaving skool guoyandao at 7:54 PM [comment]
Can't Study, his mother's.
leaving skool guoyandao at 7:11 PM [comment]
I've said this in Chinese, and now I'm gonna say it again in English, Spring is a beautiful season.
The real way to appreciate a season is feel it from inside. In my past years I've only felt the coming of Spring by the blooming flowers, fresh air and beautiful sunshine. But this year, I feel like that the spring has come down on me. Something soft and strong is growing from my heart and I'm being filled with delight and inspiration. Feel the earth breathing, feel the wind whispering, feel the flowers dancing, feel everything growing. I feel the real spring for the first time.
Everyone says life is beautiful. But once I thought that was a big lie. Look at all the troubles we've had, we worry about our grades, calories intake, pimples, other people's opinions of us, money, friendship, relationship, we miss our parents, the best friends in middle schools, girls we crushed on before, we cry over our sucky life, lack of sense of belonging, loneliness, depression, we always have to deal with so many shits of life. I just wonder how life can still be beautiful.
But now I realize that I can really just look at things in a different light. It's spring and I'm happy. All those worries just seem so trivial. All those sweet little worries are just part of my beautiful life.
When I was really down, when I was almost desperate, hope is the only thing that helped me go on. I knew that one day, I will find my own happiness and I can just cast all my troubles away and embrace my simple and beautiful life. This day is coming now.
Spring has come, and I've got a feeling this is gonna be my spring.
leaving skool guoyandao at 1:02 PM [comment]
Saturday, April 02, 2005
leaving skool guoyandao at 4:24 AM [comment]