Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Alright so I was wrong. It is not my spring. It's the girls' spring. You know what I mean when you see them walking on locust walks with the beautiful skirts that they've been waiting to flaunt since last fall. Every girl is beautiful.
Stephan Chow's Kung Fu is going to take over the American cinemas!!!I've no doubt about that, I'm surprised by the nice response my friends told me about Shaolin Soccer, i thought it sucked big times. His best movies are 唐伯虎点秋香,食神 and 大话西游,these are the Stephan Chow classic, Kung Fu is a really good movie that I enjoyed immensely, but it's still different from 唐伯虎点秋香, that was like the best laugh I've ever had watching a movie. Anyway, kung fu shows that he's right back on track. I hated Shaolin soccer so much I have to stress it here again. I think in Shaolin soccer he lost all his sense of humour. Now the American ppl can see how much funnier the Chinese comedians can be. For that, I salute Stephan Chow, coz that's something I haven't been able to do.
Chelsea vs. Bayern Munich, Frank Lampard scored the most amazing goal in the past decade.
And last night, for the first time of my life, I finished a big project two days before the deadline, of course without knowing that the deadline is actually two days later. This is a big feat that I'll never achieve again.
For all of those who haven't listened to Beck's Odelay, GO BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!YOU WILL NEVER REGRET IT!!!!!!!!!THIS IS AS GOOD AS OK COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!I heard his new album guerre is as good as Odelay, feel like buying it.
Going to Sonic Youth, countdown 9 days. Something better, countdown 11 days.
I've never talked so much bullshit online. Jesus Christ. The cherry blossom turns everyone into a little hyper talkative goblin.

leaving skool guoyandao at 2:03 PM [comment]


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Screwed-up genius
I love: hot chicks, Nirvana, Catcher in the Rye, American Beauty, Tokyo Love Story, Little Tree, 海子, 王小波, 身边的人
I hate: hypocrites who pretend to know me, domineering assholes, rules, violence, my humorous imperfections
I wanna go back to: Semptember 1999, woodstock
I wanna meet: Belle
I wanna be: a beautiful lunatic, a rock star, a wandering poet, Brad Pitt, Arthur Rimbaud, 令狐冲, 谭嗣同


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