Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Two Posts about Music
I. Went to STA today to get my ISIC card and met this cool dude called Rick. He got a self-intro kind of card in fron' of him that said: the most interesting place he slept - sidewalk in NYC for Radiohead concert; the most interesting person he's met - Moby; if there's an eighth continent i will name it - Bjorkland. I'm not the kind of person that initiates a conversation in this kinda situation, but this time I was surprised how I just started talking to him. We talked about Sonic Youth, China rock bands. It was such a fun conversation. In the end I realized that after all I do have some passion in this world, and that passion is music.
II. A philadelphia local label - Koherent - came down to Wynn Commons to give out a free concert. I went, and the music was super good. The beats were awesome, the loop was fun, the lyrics were as good as mine(well almost), but I was surprised to see the pathetic turnout. There were more artists and student coordinators than the audience. I couldn't understand it. I thought everybody on this campus loves hip-hop. Is it true that they only love hip-hop at the parties with booty and booze around? Why can't we just simply enjoy some good music? I hate people who don't genuinely love music. 叶公好龙。 fuck.
leaving skool guoyandao at 9:51 PM [comment]
Screwed-up genius
I love: hot chicks, Nirvana, Catcher in the Rye, American Beauty, Tokyo Love Story, Little Tree, 海子, 王小波, 身边的人
I hate: hypocrites who pretend to know me, domineering assholes, rules, violence, my humorous imperfections
I wanna go back to: Semptember 1999, woodstock
I wanna meet: Belle
I wanna be: a beautiful lunatic, a rock star, a wandering poet, Brad Pitt, Arthur Rimbaud, 令狐冲, 谭嗣同
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Sunflower Gu
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Rui Jie-President Scholar
Chicken Run
Yanling the hottie
Sally C
DJ Crystal..but she doesn't know me