Friday, June 24, 2005
It's all over. I need to sleep. My flashdick is broken. Can't upload my journal for the moment. But everything's not lost.
leaving skool guoyandao at 3:15 AM [comment]
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
My eurotrip this year was the best thing I've done in a long time. But well considering how much money I've spent in it, I would say my good name of being a thrifty guy is gone forever. Anyhow here's the travel log that I kept. Each day was a prescious memory of mine.
Day 1, May 12, Thursday, Regensburg
Luftthansa airline is good, the attendants, though very old, provide very professional services. I tried out some German beer, with its name starting with W, on the plane, I also took red wine and the biggest reason I love them is because they provide irish cream after dinner!!!!!!Oh my god, I love them just because of that. They actually played Coach Carter on the plane, while I was sleeping. I woke up and saw the credits rolling up the screen. My seat couldn't fall back so I pestered the attendant. In the end, i got into this curtained seat which was vacant and I just closed the curtain and had my own small world inside, it was quite an experience. The guy sitting on my right is a 'seaman', according to himself, he's funny and outgoing but barely spoke English, so I talked to him about wine and girls, surprisingly, he rates Chinese girls higher than Korean girls, well I mean not surprisingly, but most foreigners tend to agree that Korean girls are pretty. This seaman apparently has been to a lot of places, but he hates irish cream, so we din't become good friends really. To my left was this scary-looking woman who has four ostentious piercings on her face and she was wearing a black veil and her hair was something between the black's braided and the Gypsy. But she was actually pretty nice, I vaguely remember that she was from San Diego. So I got down the plane and boarded my first eurail train. I was in the first class cabin for the first half an hour with a second class ticket. BUt like there was no one checking the ticket, I doubt there'd be any throughout the journey, so I wasted fucking 57 euros man. I talked to this Philipino man on the train, his entire family has served the US army and his son was in Iraq last year. I wanted to talk to this group of very attractive girls in one of the cabins, but they were gone when I made the decision. Bleh. Okay so yesterday was pretty dramatic, I almost almost din't get my French visa in time. At the airport, I suddenly remembered that fuck, I forgot to buy the eurail select pass, so I called up STA, this time everyone I spoke to was being an asshole. In the end Meredith called me up and sold the thing to me over the phone, but I doubt if she sold me the correct one. I made Lisa Wang send the thing to me via UPS, feel very thankful to her. But I don't know whether I can really get it in time, cuz it's supposed to arrive on Saturday. So, let's pray. Travelling in Europe without a pass is like unprotected sex. Finally I got to Regensburg, the ticket checker on the train came to check my ticket twice in the road, and they asked me why I din't have a ticket, and hoestly, I don't really know haha. The lady at the ticket office must have forgotten about it. Luckily the German guys were nice enough to let me go on anyway. So anyway, I finally got to Regensburg and I called up Liang Lan, Liang Lan said she would come in half an hour, she actually came in 50 minutes, but that's besides the point. So I used this time to do my first Europe window shopping, and I confirmed the popular myth: alcohol is cheaper than water in Europe, all 0.5 Lit waters are 1.40 euros, but you can get 1 Lit wine for 99 cents. So I wandered one around, didn't get anything, I still found the euros a bit expensive and was still in the reluctant-to-spend-any-money mood. Finally Liang lan came, with not much change but slightly more pimples(hahahaha kidding kidding), and she suggested that we make our own food. I said yea great idea. So she took me to my first European bus. The seats are very nice and the whole bus was just very comfortable. In the three days I spent at Regensburg, I never bought a single bus ticket. Liang Lan wanted me to use her old student card, but then it said 'frau' on it, which means Ms in German, so we gave up. I guess the ticketing is on an honors system. It's okay I don't really mind not paying. As the bus drove down the German streets, I stared at them, the buildings in regensburg were plain, with their monocromic cement face and mechanical windows of the same shape and same color, I guess the uniqueness relied on their simplicity and exotic color schemes, when one row of such houses line up together, it feels like an abstract painting. So we went to this German supermarket right near Liang Lan's dorm. The things were pretty cheap there, I'd say. But Liang Lan started to complain to me how stupid Germans are, she was like, do you know the water bottle belt? All Chinese and US people build it under the ring so that it detaches from the cap, but the stupid Germans(actually, Europeans I guess) build it with the cap above the ring, and it's impossible to get off. Also this German Supermarket doesn't provide plastic bags, so you gotta carry your own bag. We bought hot chicken wings so we decided to fry chicken wings, Liang Lan was actually pretty good at frying. I was scared of the sparkling oils. Fuck, lost all my face. Then I tried to open the .99 white wine that we bought, cuz I heard the white wines in Germany are known to be fruity, light and delicious. Then we figured out why it was on sale for only 99 cents, the problem was the plug. I tried like twenty times trying to pull it out using the wine-opener, but every time I tried to pull out the plug I only ended up breaking it and bringing up debris. In the end I used a knife to slowing cut the plug out bit by bit, and finally managed to spin the remaining plug out with a swiss knife, after half an hour. But this is actually the first bottle of wine I opened by myself. Later when Zhao yinzhe came with another bottle of red wine, I opened it with ease. Maybe I'm just not a fast learner. Then. We watched Guess Guess Guess, I watched one episode with Liang Lan, one and a half with both of them before I completely passed out on the airbag that Yingzhe brought. I woke at 12 and used Internet until 3, so I was scolded by LL. And that ends my first day of the eurotrip!!!!!
leaving skool guoyandao at 9:05 AM [comment]
Monday, June 13, 2005
Suddenly realized most of you are in China now. And somehow in China you can't read my god-damned blog. So, guess I'm really writing for myself now. Doing things just for yourself can be a sign of growing up, it can be really enjoyable and relaxed, but it also can be scary: what if I'm fucking closing on myself? I've enjoyed by now quite some time on my own, and started to like it. It's all good, everything. But there were times when I thought of you guys, and I looked around and felt like I'm the only rose in the garden, the only bird in the sky.
leaving skool guoyandao at 4:21 AM [comment]
Screwed-up genius
I love: hot chicks, Nirvana, Catcher in the Rye, American Beauty, Tokyo Love Story, Little Tree, 海子, 王小波, 身边的人
I hate: hypocrites who pretend to know me, domineering assholes, rules, violence, my humorous imperfections
I wanna go back to: Semptember 1999, woodstock
I wanna meet: Belle
I wanna be: a beautiful lunatic, a rock star, a wandering poet, Brad Pitt, Arthur Rimbaud, 令狐冲, 谭嗣同

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Sunflower Gu
Eugene & Shirley
Rui Jie-President Scholar
Chicken Run
Yanling the hottie
Sally C
DJ Crystal..but she doesn't know me