Sunday, January 23, 2005

Looking back at my very first semester of college, I'd say it is an unforgettable one. Maybe not as unforgettable as I'd thought it'd be, but I like the way it was. I felt more real a person. I might have pursued a different lifestyle, maybe a more high-strung and active one. Somehow I've come to known myself more and realized what I really want through the years. I've started to hate ingratiating myself at social events. I know it doesn't matter to me that much how many acquaintances I have, but how many FRIENDS. Not a very good mentality for a future business man haha.
Things I can't forget from Fall 2004 -
*Joining Mask and Wig and getting to know a bunch of very cool American kids. Dressing up as women and getting notorious by posting the photos on the facebook. Doing hilarious sketch comedies which make no sense, which I like. I've gotten a peek into American college life, had some crazy memories such as the bus trip to Princeton game. Became a rock star(for the first time in my life actually) at the Kick-off Bash party.
*Having the first business class of my life, Management 100. Didn't like it and thought most of the stuff we did was a waste of time. But got to know a few really nice kids. Met this amazing Jewish girl. She was the first girl who hugged me for greeting. It almost felt like my first kiss, haha.
* Having the first Econ, French and JAVA classes. Liked them all.
*Trip to Yale and met YuTing. My first travel in US was all on my own. It was very fun exploring the transportation systems in US. They are certainly confusing.
*Knowing CUUSers!!!!!!It rocked my life!!! I can't forget the Thanksgiving break and the winter break!!!!
*Being in Claudio's Econ recitation. He's an amazing TA hard to level with.
*Taking writing class on films on American politics. Got to watch some classic films. I love American History X. Knew a bit more about the U.S. now. Certainly not enough but it was a good start. I slept too much in the class. Felt sorry for the professor. Got to know Auburn(don't know how to spell) and Clara through the class, very cool kids.
*Joining Queer 101 preceptorial. It was a fantastic experience! I should join preceptorial every year! Got to learn a lot more about the LGBT community.
*Living with an American kid and an American Chinese kid. Both of them are crazy about NBA. One of them(the american kid) is crazy about anything, football, the daily show, the simpsons. Haven't gotten much time to watch much of those shit with him yet but I will.

I'm looking forward to Spring 2005. It will be a splendid one.

leaving skool guoyandao at 5:55 AM [comment]


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Screwed-up genius
I love: hot chicks, Nirvana, Catcher in the Rye, American Beauty, Tokyo Love Story, Little Tree, 海子, 王小波, 身边的人
I hate: hypocrites who pretend to know me, domineering assholes, rules, violence, my humorous imperfections
I wanna go back to: Semptember 1999, woodstock
I wanna meet: Belle
I wanna be: a beautiful lunatic, a rock star, a wandering poet, Brad Pitt, Arthur Rimbaud, 令狐冲, 谭嗣同


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