Saturday, November 06, 2004

i've so many things to share with every dear reader.
I've finally started to appreciate intellectual conversation again. Sounds weird but somehow i feel like i've talking crap for too long. And not everyone likes talking crap. Everyone likes intellectual conversation coz we feel smarter that way.
I've joined this preceptorial lesson called queer 101 and gained a new perspective on LGBT community. I've finally met some lesbian and gay friends. They are perfectly nice and intelligent people, and very optimistic and positive, now my prejudice against LGBT ppl is challenged, finally. I've also become more knowledgeable in the field, like i bet you dunno what's the difference between transexual and transgender, ha!
Talked to this indian girl called Gamari or Garima, talked to her, while actually listened to her talking to another girl called Garlic or Galit about arranged marriage. That was a totally enlightening experience! She talked about how Indian people perceive arranged marriage. She made a point by saying that by having zero expectation upon entering arranged marriage, couples are, contrary to popular view, more likely to achieve harmony and happiness. Hmm.
Watched Bloomer show with a group of mentally wasted Wiggers. Embarrasing. Went to Da Yin's room and drank until I became mentally wasted, even more embarrasing.
Went down to Princeton. Finally!! i got a feel of crazy american teenager lifestyle. The bus trip with Tabard girl was so crazy!! We did all the ridiculous things I could imagine except for intimate affairs. Man it was so unbelievable. Now i'm a bad boy...or a real man?
Don't get me wrong.

leaving skool guoyandao at 6:37 PM [comment]


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Screwed-up genius
I love: hot chicks, Nirvana, Catcher in the Rye, American Beauty, Tokyo Love Story, Little Tree, 海子, 王小波, 身边的人
I hate: hypocrites who pretend to know me, domineering assholes, rules, violence, my humorous imperfections
I wanna go back to: Semptember 1999, woodstock
I wanna meet: Belle
I wanna be: a beautiful lunatic, a rock star, a wandering poet, Brad Pitt, Arthur Rimbaud, 令狐冲, 谭嗣同


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